Monday, December 8, 2008

Are Softwares too costly ?

Normally, the Price Range for buying a computer is from 450$ to the 1000$ or more.. depending on what you want in your system. But getting the basic Softwares and maintaining computer is twice more costlier than buying a computer.

All the Computers needs good and Upgraded Softwares for it's Proper working. But, the basic OS (operating System) and Softwares are too costly to afford by the Daily or casual Computer Users.

For example, the Most Common and Popular OS that is "Microsoft Windows Vista" costs around $199.95 to $319.95, which is almost half the price of a computer. Then soon, like after every one or two years, a new Upgraded OS is Launched , So that we can buy and Upgrade it .

Why do we have to pay each year..for Upgrading it ??

Thanks to Linux distributors and Open Source Developers , who played a great role in bringing down the monopoly of the commercial Software developers. But Still linux is not completely successful due to its complex working and programmer friendly behaviour rather than user friendly. Many people are unaware or find it difficult to work with OS like Linux. So they dont have any option but to go for some commercial OS.

This Monopoly is not limited to just OS. There are many Softwares which cost more than they deserve.

The Adobe Photoshop CS4 editions costs around 699$ to 999$ which is quite difficult to afford. A common user cannot afford it.
The Popular Microsoft Office which is commonly used is also quite costly.The Cost of Microsoft office 2007 Suite is based on the type of Suite you want like Home and Student1, Standard, Small Business, Professional and Ultimate. The Cost Range of Microsoft office is between $149.95 to $539.95. (see the image below)

There is another free Office Software called 3.0.0 for killing Microsoft's Monopoly.

Many basic Software and Anti-viruses like Norton, Panda, etc. are engaging in unfair practice like this.
This article was too short to list the high Priced basic softwares. There are more than thousands Softwares like these...

Highly Priced software will not help the Software companies to get Profit, but instead , it will take in loss as more and more people are going for Piracy...

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