Monday, December 8, 2008

10 Bizarre PC Case Mods

PC Case modding is done by many people to suit their requirements or to simply make the PC unique and stylish. After going through hundreds of case mods, here is the final list of 10 most bizarre case mods.

10. The Chopper Case Mod

The chopper case mod was done by people at Chopper Computers design in Colorado. Cool Chopper and a hot chick, what else could a biker want ?

9. 24 Case Mod

Designed by Peter (Bit-Tech), this mod is based on the weapon of mass destrcution shown in the famous TV show '24'. Case has a dot matrix style LED display, water cooling, a hidden DVD drive and a double radiator.

8. Lego Case Mod

Designed by Daniele Procida using his sons Lego bricks, the case mod was sold on ebay for over 85 euros.

7. Pumpkin Case Mod Created on the occasion of Halloween, the Pumpkin PC lights in dark and also the CD-ROM ejection is pretty nice.

6. Telephone Case Mod

The Telephone PC has elegant looks and was designed for voice chatting. When someone calls on GTalk, Skype etc. all you have to do is pick up the phone and start talking as if you were talking on a regular phone.

5. Dashboard Case Mod

The Dashboard Mod is for people who love driving. The three gauges show the Hard Drive, CPU and RAM usage. PC also has a keychain that is used to turn on the PC and eject and load DVD-ROM.

4. PVC Case Mod

Perhaps the cheapest case mod made of useless PVC pipes. The most solid frame ever.

3. Microwave

The Microwave PC is for people addicted to Food and Computers. The screen is fit in the front and the motherboard is inside the microwave.

2. Toilet Case Mod

Toilet PC ahs to be the most sickening Case Mod of all time. Can't imagine anyone keeping this thing inside a room.

1. Child Coffin Case Mod

The top spot goes to the most creepiest Case Mod of all time, the Child Coffin PC. It is siad that it took 3 years and thousands of dollars to complete this mod.

Other case mods that came quite close to making the list were Fifa, Doom3, Guitar, R2D2 and Leela Case Mods.

Doom3 Case Mod

Guitar Case Mod

R2D2 Case Mod

Leela Case Mod

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