Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gmail with SMS.. Google again trying to challange yahoo?

Do you know that all the Gmail users are going to get SMS feature ?

Sounds cool...

It looks like again Google is trying to Challange the Yahoo.

Yahoo have launched its SMS feature very long time ago, but now it seems like even google is moving toward the crown of King in every field of Internet and Technology by giving the SMS features to all the Gmail Users. Google is already the proud owner of many services like Gmail, Blogger, Youtube, Feedburner, etc. Google has been providing all this services free of cost.

Recently , google is also working on " Google SearchWiki " which allows users to vote and annotate search results .This is also a Good news as long as they remember the real goal or task of Search engine .

Google has been playing very safely when it comes to Business. Google is trying to provide as much as possible service to their users , proving them that the google is the best.

Anyhow, Competition is making the Google better and better . Google will always need tough competitors to Maintain its great power and status.

we will be surely expecting for some more new features from google in future.

click here for more information regarding Google's SMS feature.

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