Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Problem of Team Blogging: Sharing the adsense revenue !

Before i started blogging, i had decided to Start a team blog with my some of my good friends as i thought Team blogging can be the best way to generate better and unique content and also better revenue.More the teammates ,more the profit. The setting >permission option in the blogger was proved to be a great blessing for the team blogging.

I decided team blogging as I dont have much time to write a post everyday. I searched for my friends who are very interested in blogging but don't have a time to update the blog each and everyday. Most of my friends were ready for this. Domain, blog, post or promotion of the blog was not a big problem for us. Only problem was sharing the advertisement revenue!

"How are we going to share the Advertisement Revenue?"

We all were very familiar with Google Adsense, so we decided to carry on with adsense.
One of my friend said that one of us will become a fixed trusted partner or leader who will use his adsense account to get the adsense money will share it equally among the teammates.That fixed partner will keep his Ads on the team and send the money as a Draft or any other payment method.
Anyway i disagreed to this method as all of the teammates were already blogger and they do have another blog running their with advertisement and also there is a possiblity of fraud .
There were also some teammate who lived very far in some other countries, so it was a bit difficult to share the revenue.

We had many groupchats regarding this matter.

we also surf about sharing adsense revenue and got one method in which we have to alter or modify the Adsense Script.
We again disagreed as modifying the Adsense Script is against the policy of google. Google doesn't allow the modification of the adsense script. According to Google,"Any AdSense code must be pasted directly into webpages without modification. AdSense participants are not allowed to alter any portion of the code or change the behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads." (see second point in " Site and Ad Behavior " in the Google Adsense policy ).We never wanted to do anything that could result in our adsense accounts getting banned.

So, In this way my idea of working in a team blog didn't work.
All of my team members were basically common bloggers. They didn't have much experience how to share the money and many other technical stuff.

Team blogging is same like an evolution of Human being from stone age to modern age.
Before the Man use to work and survive alone to get his food which was very difficult. So he decided to work in a group so that he can get more food and can survive better. It shows that working in Group helped him to live easy life. This can be applied to blogging too. It is good to work in team than working alone. we can easily write article and promote the blog in better way by distributing the work. Working in a team also helps to get better reviewed article and get the chance of improving yourself with the experience of your teammates.

However, my idea of team blog didn't work due to the problem of sharing the money. we droped the idea of working as a team blogger. I wish google could introduce the new option of Sharing the Adsense revenue among the fellow adsense users in future. All the bloggers are not expert in Sharing and maintaining the team money.

I will be still looking to work in a team blog in the future.

There are many people who are waiting for such service so that they can work online as blogger without much difficulties.

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