Tuesday, November 18, 2008

6 Effective ways to Increase your RSS Count

Web Syndication started as an attempt to restructure information about websites back in 1995 at Apple Computer’s Advanced Technology Group. It has come a long way since, today RSS has become an integral part of most blogs and websites. Readers look at RSS as a mode of unspammable content delivery. Popularity of a blog is no more a function of backlinks alone, now people also consider the number of subscribers as an important indicator of blogs popularity. RSS also helps improve your SERP, makes you more visible on the internet and helps you easily publish your content on other sites.

You have RSS feed in your Blog or website But still not getting enough subscribers. You Might have wondered how other Blogs gets so many subscribers like more than 5,000 or 10,000!
WOW, more than 10,000 !

sometime you think that you cannot ever reach that number of subscribers,but that's not true.
You have keep on try and experimenting to achieve your task.

Think like a Reader not Writer.
See what you want from a blog if you were a reader?

Here are two questions that you need to answer yourself to increase your subcribers...

1).What do I need to increase the number of subscribers?

2).How do I increase the number of subscribers?

1).What do I need to increase the number of subscribers?

The answer is simple. Original and Quality content. This is the minimum you must have in these competitive times. If you are unsure about it, ask people you don’t know to get a frank assessment or drop a comment we would love to help you out.

2).How do I increase the number of subscribers?

Ans.There are no fixed principles to increase you subscribers. But ,Here are a few things that you might want to consider:

1. Make the RSS Icon Visible: It is best to have a RSS icon placed right at the top of the page(Near Header). If that’s not possible in your case then have it somewhere above the fold.

2. Email Subscription: A lot of people still do not know what RSS is. Email Subscription is a must, especially if you have a niche not relating to technology. Learn more about Email Subscriptions here.

3. Ask the reader to Subscribe at the end of your post: If a person has read the entire post, this means he/she likes the content and is a potential subscriber, all you need to do is show him a subscription link. You may want to add “Add to Google Reader”, “Add to Netvibes” etc. buttons if you think that your readers would prefer that. But remember not to overdo it.

4. Give away some Goodies to the Subscribers: If you have many subscribers then randomly pick one every week and give them some goodies. You can have a “Subscriber of the Week” just below your RSS icon. Incase you are looking for subscribers host a contest where every participant needs to subscribe to RSS.

5. Offer a full feed: Lot of people ask me if it is a good idea to offer full post in the feed? The answer is Yes. It is annoying to see only a summary of the post, this might make the reader unsubscribe. You can always put ads in your feeds, but remember not to overdo it.

6. Display FeedBurner Feed Count: If you have over 300 subscribers then it is a good idea show your feed count. This will help convince the reader that the blog is offering good content.

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