Sunday, November 30, 2008

5 Things i hate about Email!

Everyone uses Email in their daily life for some purpose.Now it's a daily routine for me to check my mails, reply mails etc.. etc.. I'm using email more than my cellphone.There are always two sides for everything in this world.I love using Email but sometime i hate it.

Here are five things i hate about Email :

1) I will never get a Email id of My choice..

Every time i try to change or sign-up a new Email id, i never get of my choice. i always wanted my first name as my email id but it looks like all the email ids are extinct like dinosaurs.
Whenever i see a new mail provider i try to make a email id with my name but never got success in getting it. Every time i get the same old Message the," This id is already taken, please try other". Sometime i wonder than how many people with the same name like me exists on earth and why all of them are making a new id with my name.

2) Everyday I win a £1,000,000,00 lottery.
Wow !!!.
£1,000,000,00 for me... .......I'm so lucky !!!
Every Morning,i start my day by deleting this Spam. I started getting this mail from the very first day, When i made my email id. I won lottery more than 1000 times and still winning on.
The most common mail i got is:

The Marina Offices, St Peters Yacht Basin,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1HX England

We are pleased to inform you of the final announcement that you are one of our winners of the UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL LOTTERY international Lottery programs.

The online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 21,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet,no tickets were sold.

After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as one of three winners in the category
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"A\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" with the following winning information: You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £1,000,000,00 (One million pounds sterling).

I wonder when this Spam is going to stop !!!

3.) Forgot my Password and also the security question !

This is the most common thing i face when i forget my password. My password is quite easier then compared to the security question and its answer. I can't remember my password due to better technology.(yes,i m blaming technology and not my memory). Everytime While writing password for sign In , One question from a browser appears," Do you want Browser to remember the password". As i am a good guy, it is hard for me to say "no" so i go for "yes".
therefore, this shows that it is not my fault for not remembering the password, it's the technology.

4.)Limited Attachment size in emails.

Most of email service providers gives a limited Attachment size of 20mbs(some have 50mbs). So we can't send any bigger file more than 50mbs. Once i had to send a bigger file (VERY BIG file of 70Mbs) , i had to upload it to some file host for sharing it with my friend.
It sucks as this wasted My time in uploading the file.

It would be so great if some email providers could increase their size limit atleast upto 100mbs. I hope some Email service provider will read this article and will try to increase their size limit.

I always wanted to attach my noisy neighbour and mail them to some very far place from the place where i live.
but unfortunately this is not possible.

5.)Lots of Advertisements in Mail..

Sometime it's very irritating to see the advertisement all over the email screen.There are ads everywhere like top banner, footer ads etc. It take more longer for loading the advertisement than Mail (specially yahoo) . I am very tired of advertisement all over the screen. Looks like Some Email provider just offering free service for advertisement. These providers also offer to upgrade your email by free service User to premium users(I will never pay any money for Upgrading Email in my life)

Anyway,it's still ok to have ads in mail but sometimes its really very irritating for us.

If you have anything to say about email or anything related please give your comments....

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