Sunday, October 26, 2008

Google's Searchwiki : will it rock the web ?

Google searchwiki is a Google's new experiment which will allow users to vote and annotate search results.This will help to rearrange the search page or re-order the search result according to user.
The first impression for google searchwiki look's good, but still i am not sure that Searchwiki will help google to get more profit.
People just need their required information and they are not interested in arranging the page Rank. People just like to surf , gather the required information and forget after getting it.Maximum people don't have time or interested in rearranging the Search result.

Anyway this feature can be a great for removing the spam . This feature can help the users to remove the unwanted spam or useless content.People will be able to get more accurate result by this way.

Searchwiki feature will affect the blogger and the website owners too. As many bloggers and website owners are worried about their page rank.It very difficult to get and maintain the good pagerank for a blog or a website .

More than 80 % of the people uses search engine for gathering their information.Most of them prefer google as it gives fastest and most accurate result is least time.

Let's see if the Searchwiki of Google can rock the way of surfing or not !

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